The Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Wales) Regulations 2014

Bleeding or pithing

42.—(1) A person engaged in the bleeding or pithing of an animal which has been simple stunned must ensure that the animal is bled or pithed without delay after it has been simple stunned.

(2) A person engaged in the bleeding of an animal which has been simple stunned must ensure that the bleeding is—

(a)rapid, profuse and complete;

(b)completed before the animal regains consciousness; and

(c)carried out by severing the two carotid arteries or the blood vessels from which they arise.

(3) If an animal is bled after simple stunning, no person may cause or permit any further dressing procedure or any electrical stimulation to be performed on the animal before the bleeding has ended and in any event not before the expiry of—

(a)in the case of a turkey or goose, a period of not less than 2 minutes;

(b)in the case of any other bird, a period of not less than 90 seconds;

(c)in the case of bovine animals, a period of not less than 30 seconds; or

(d)in the case of sheep, goats, pigs and deer, a period of not less than 20 seconds.

(4) Sub-paragraph (3) does not apply to an animal which has been pithed.

(5) Where one person is responsible for the simple stunning and pithing, or for the simple stunning, shackling, hoisting and bleeding, of animals other than birds or rabbits or for some of those operations, such operations must be carried out by that person consecutively in respect of one animal before being so carried out by that person in respect of another animal.

(6) Where one person is responsible for the simple stunning and bleeding of birds or rabbits, those operations must be carried out by that person consecutively in respect of one bird or rabbit before being so carried out by that person in respect of another bird or rabbit.