

Review of instrument of government

7.—(1) The committee or the authority may review the instrument of government at any time after it is made.

(2) Where, on any review, the committee or the authority decides that the instrument of government should be varied, the committee or (as the case may be) the authority must notify the other of its proposed variation together with its reasons for proposing such a variation.

(3) Where the committee has received notification under paragraph (2), it must inform the authority whether or not it is content with the proposed variation and, if not content, its reasons.

(4) If—

(a)whichever of the committee or the authority is the recipient of a notification under paragraph (2) agrees with the proposed variation; or

(b)there is agreement between the authority and the committee that some other variation should be made instead, the instrument of government must be varied accordingly by the authority.

(5) If paragraph (4) does not apply, the authority must—

(a)inform the committee of the reasons—

(i)why it is not content with the committee’s proposed variation, or as the case may be,

(ii)why it wishes to proceed with its own variation; and

(b)give the committee a reasonable opportunity to reach agreement with it with regard to the variation, and the instrument of government must be varied by it either in the manner agreed between it and the committee or (in the absence of such agreement) in such manner as it thinks fit.

(6) Where the instrument of government is varied under this regulation, it must set out the date on which the variation takes effect.