
Regulation 5

SCHEDULE 2Matters to be dealt with in a plan

1.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will increase the number of children of 7 years of age who are taught through the medium of Welsh.

2.  A statement setting out the methods to be adopted by the local authority for assessing demand for Welsh medium childcare and Welsh medium education in its area.

3.  A statement setting out the actions the local authority proposes to take before the expiry of 24 weeks from the Welsh medium education assessment closing date to address any demand in its area for Welsh medium childcare and Welsh medium education identified in any such assessment it has carried out.

4.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategies as to how any applications it makes for grant funding from the Welsh Ministers in respect of expenditure on maintained schools in its area will take account of the demand for Welsh medium education identified in any Welsh medium education assessment it has carried out.

5.  A statement setting out how the local authority will work collaboratively with other local authorities to meet any demand for Welsh medium education identified in any Welsh medium education assessment it has carried out.

6.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy to increase the opportunities for people who do not speak Welsh as their first language to learn through the medium of Welsh by taking part in intensive Welsh medium education and by increasing access to centres for latecomers.

7.  A statement setting out whether the local authority will establish a Welsh medium education forum.

8.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will seek to ensure that adequate financial resources are available to meet the demand for Welsh medium education for children up to the age of 7.

9.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy for providing parents with information as to the availability and type of Welsh medium education.

10.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy for increasing the percentage of pupils who are in the final year of the third key stage and who are following that part of the programme of study for Welsh titled “Welsh” and set out in the Welsh document.

11.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy for ensuring continuity of Welsh medium education when children transfer from—

(a)funded non-maintained nursery education to funded nursery education;

(b)the foundation phase to the second key stage;

(c)the second key stage to the third key stage; and

(d)the third key stage to the fourth key stage.

12.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy for increasing the amount of Welsh medium education provided in any schools it maintains which provide education through the medium of English and Welsh.

13.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy for increasing the percentage of pupils aged 15 and over who are studying for qualifications through the medium of Welsh.

14.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will carry out its duty in section 116B of the 2002 Act(1).

15.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will work through 14-19 networks and 14-19 regional forums to sustain and improve the provision of Welsh medium education in its area for persons aged 14 to 19.

16.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will gather and utilise school performance data to improve the provision of Welsh medium education for persons aged 14 to 19.

17.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy to improve standards of literacy in Welsh in maintained schools in its area.

18.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will improve the provision and standards of Welsh medium education for those pupils following the Welsh programme of study.

19.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will improve the provision and standards of Welsh medium education for those pupils following the Welsh second language programme of study.

20.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will increase the opportunities for pupils to speak Welsh other than as part of formal Welsh medium education provided by a school.

21.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will improve Welsh medium education for pupils who require additional learning support arising from any difficulty that pupil has in learning in relation to other pupils of the same age who do not have any difficulty in learning.

22.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy to ensure there are adequate numbers of teaching staff to meet the demand for Welsh medium education in maintained schools in its area.

23.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will improve the Welsh language linguistic skills of those practitioners in maintained schools in its area.

24.  A statement setting out the local authority’s strategy as to how it will improve the teaching skills of those practitioners providing Welsh medium education in maintained schools in its area.

25.  A statement setting out how the local authority will ensure that strategies it adopts to improve the educational standards of maintained schools in its area take full account of the plan.


Inserted by the section 5 of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009 (nawm 1).