

9.—(1) A local authority must consult on the plan in draft—

(a)the Welsh Language Commissioner (within the meaning of section 2 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011(1));

(b)the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership (within the meaning of section 119 of the 1998 Act(2));

(c)school councils;

(d)Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales;

(e)such organisations providing services to children and young people as the local authority considers appropriate; and

(f)such other persons or bodies as appear to the local authority to be appropriate.

(2) In the case of the bodies referred to in paragraph (1) only those bodies which have an interest in the local authority’s area which is the subject of a Welsh medium education assessment are to be consulted.

(3) The local authority must consult on the draft plan for a period of not less than eight weeks.

(4) The local authority must carry out the consultation by sending to every consultee a draft of the plan inviting comments on it within a period specified by the local authority.

(5) The requirement in paragraph (4) to send a draft of the plan to every consultee may be satisfied by sending copies of it by electronic mail.


1998 (c.31), as amended by paragraph 10(1) and (2) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Local Education Authorities and Children’s Services (Integration of Functions) Order 2010 (S.I. 2010/1158) and by paragraph 30(a) and (b) of Schedule 2 to the Childcare Act 2006.