The Family Absence for Members of Local Authorities (Wales) Regulations 2013

Interpretation of this Part

25.—(1) In this Part—

“adopter” (“mabwysiadydd”) in relation to a child, means a person who has been matched with the child for adoption, or in a case where two people have been matched jointly, whichever of them has elected to be the child’s adopter for the purpose of Part 3 of these Regulations;

“adoption agency” (“asiantaeth fabwysiadu”) means a body which may be referred to as an adoption agency by virtue of section 2 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002;

“child” (“plentyn”) means a person who is, or when placed with an adopter for adoption was, under the age of eighteen;

(2) For the purposes of this Part a person is matched with a child for adoption when an adoption agency decides that that person would be a suitable adoptive parent for the child, either individually or jointly with another person.