The Building Regulations &c. (Amendment No. 3) and Domestic Fire Safety (Wales) Regulations 2013

Transitional provisions

6.—(1) This regulation applies in relation to—

(a)care homes as defined in section 3 of the Care Standards Act 2000;

(b)rooms for residential purposes other than rooms in—

(i)a hostel;

(ii)an hotel;

(iii)a prison or young offender institution; and

(iv)a hospital.

(2) Subject to paragraph (4), the Principal Regulations and the Approved Inspectors Regulations continue to apply in relation to any building work as if these Regulations had not been made where before 30 April 2014—

(a)a building notice, an initial notice, an amendment notice or a public body’s notice(1) has been given to a local authority, or full plans have been deposited with a local authority in accordance with the Principal Regulations; and

(b)building work is being or has been carried out in accordance with any such notice or plans, whether with or without any departure from such plans.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4), the Principal Regulations and the Approved Inspectors Regulations continue to apply in relation to any building work as if these Regulations had not been made where—

(a)before 30 April 2014 a building notice, an initial notice, an amendment notice or a public body’s notice has been given to a local authority, or full plans have been deposited with a local authority in accordance with the Principal Regulations; and

(b)the building work to be carried out in accordance with any such notice or plans is commenced on or after 30 April 2014 but before 30 April 2015, whether with or without any departure from such plans.

(4) Where an initial notice given before 30 April 2014 is varied by an amendment notice given on or after that date, the Principal Regulations continue to apply as if these Regulations had not been made, to so much of the building work as could have been carried out under that initial notice if the amendment notice had not been given.


“building notice”, “initial notice”, “amendment notice” and “public body’s notice” are all defined in the Principal Regulations, see Regulation 2(1).