
SCHEDULE 3Calculating nitrogen in organic manure

PART 2Sampling and analysis of organic manure

Slurry and other liquid and semi-liquid organic manure

1.—(1) In relation to slurry and other liquid and semi-liquid organic manure, at least five samples, each of 2 litres, must be taken.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (3), the five samples must be taken from a vessel, and—

(a)if reasonably practicable, the slurry must be thoroughly mixed before the samples are taken, and

(b)each sample must be taken from a different location.

(3) If a tanker used for spreading is fitted with a suitable valve, the samples may be taken while spreading, and each sample must be taken at intervals during the spreading.

(4) Whether taken as described in sub-paragraph (2) or (3), the five samples must be poured into a larger container, stirred thoroughly and a 2 litre sample must be taken from that container and poured into a smaller clean container.

(5) The 2 litre sample produced in accordance with sub-paragraph (4) must then be sent for analysis.