The Childcare Act 2006 (Local Authority Assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2013

Matters to be contained in the assessment

4.—(1) The local authority’s assessment must include for its local authority area, in respect of each type of childcare and taking into account the different ages of children, details of—

(a)the number of places required;

(b)the number of places available;

(c)the number of places required in respect of which the childcare element of working tax credit or the childcare costs element of universal credit may be used;

(d)the number of places available for which parents would be able to use the childcare element of working tax credit or the childcare costs element of universal credit;

(e)the times at which the childcare is required;

(f)the times at which the childcare is available;

(g)the range of session lengths offered by childcare providers;

(h)the number of places required which are suitable for children who have special educational needs or who require specialist care due to a disability;

(i)the number of places available which are suitable for children who have special educational needs or who require specialist care due to a disability;

(j)the number of Welsh language and bilingual childcare places required;

(k)the number of Welsh language and bilingual childcare places available;

(l)the number of vacant and unused places; and

(m)the range of charges for the childcare.

(2) The assessment must include a summary of childcare needs which are not met in the local authority area including those which relate to the—

(a)types of childcare available;

(b)age of children for whom childcare is available;

(c)affordability of childcare;

(d)times at which childcare is available;

(e)specific needs of disabled children;

(f)availability of Welsh language and bilingual childcare; and

(g)location of childcare.

(3) In this regulation “child care costs element of universal credit” (“elfen costau gofal plant o gredyd cynhwysol”) means an amount included in an award of universal credit under section 12 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012(1) and prescribed in the Universal Credit Regulations 2013(2).