
Welsh Statutory Instruments

2012 No. 686 (W.94)


The Isle of Anglesey Local Authorities (Change to the Years of Ordinary Elections) Order 2012


6 March 2012

Laid before the National Assembly for Wales

8 March 2012

Coming into force

27 March 2012

The Welsh Ministers make the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred upon the National Assembly for Wales by sections 87, 105(2) and 106(1)(b) and (c) of the Local Government Act 2000(1), and now exercisable by them(2):

Title, commencement and application

1.—(1) The title of this Order is the Isle of Anglesey Local Authorities (Change to the Years of Ordinary Elections) Order 2012 and it comes into force on 27 March 2012.

(2) This Order applies to Wales.

Change of year of ordinary elections of councillors to the Isle of Anglesey County Council

2.—(1) This article applies to the ordinary election of councillors to the Isle of Anglesey County Council .

(2) Elections which, but for this Order, would have taken place on the ordinary day of election of councillors(3) in 2012 and every fourth year after 2012(4) will instead take place on the ordinary day of election of councillors in 2013 and every fourth year after 2013.

Term of office of existing councillors

3.  The term of office of existing councillors elected to the Isle of Anglesey County Council is accordingly extended by one year .

Change of year of ordinary elections of community councillors to community councils in the Isle of Anglesey county

4.—(1) This article applies to the ordinary election of community councillors to community councils in the Isle of Anglesey county.

(2) Elections which, but for this Order, would have taken place on the ordinary day of election of community councillors(5)in 2012 and every fourth year after 2012(6) will instead take place on the ordinary day of election of community councillors in 2013 and every fourth year after 2013.

Term of office of existing community councillors

5.  The term of office of existing community councillors elected to community councils in the Isle of Anglesey county is accordingly extended by one year.

Carl Sargeant

Minister for Local Government and Communities, one of the Welsh Ministers

6 March 2012

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order changes the years of ordinary elections of councillors to the Isle of Anglesey County Council and councillors to the community councils in the Isle of Anglesey county.

This Order provides that the ordinary elections of councillors to the Isle of Anglesey County Council will take place in 2013 instead of 2012. It also provides that the ordinary elections of councillors to the community councils in the Isle of Anglesey county will take place in 2013 instead of 2012.

The current term of office of existing councillors elected to the Isle of Anglesey County Council is accordingly extended by one year. The current term of office of existing community councillors elected to community councils in the Isle of Anglesey county is also accordingly extended by one year.

The scheme for elections of councillors to the Isle of Anglesey County Council is unchanged, in that subsequent ordinary elections will take place every four years after 2013. The scheme for elections of community councillors to the community councils in the Isle of Anglesey county is also unchanged, in that subsequent ordinary elections will take place every four years after 2013.

This Order overrides the general provisions in relation to the timing of ordinary elections and the term of office of councillors in Wales set out in section 26 (principal councils) of the Local Government Act 1972. This Order also overrides the general provisions in relation to the timing of ordinary elections and the term of office of community councillors in Wales set out in section 35 (community councils) of the Local Government Act 1972.

A regulatory impact assessment has been prepared as to the likely costs and benefits of complying with this Order. A copy can be obtained from the Democracy, Ethics and Partnership Division, Department for Local Government and Public Services, Welsh Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ.


The functions of the National Assembly for Wales were transferred to the Welsh Ministers by virtue of section 162 of and paragraph 30 of Schedule 11 to the Government of Wales Act 2006 (c. 32).


For the ordinary day of election of councillors of local government areas, see section 37 of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (c. 2), as amended by section 18 of the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), paragraphs 1 and 5 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29) and section 60 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (c. 28).


For the year in which ordinary elections would otherwise have taken place see section 26 of the Local Government Act 1972 (c. 70) in respect of councillors of principal councils.


For the ordinary day of election of community councillors of local government areas, see section 37 of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (c. 2), as amended by section 18 of the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), paragraphs 1 and 5 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29) and section 60 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (c. 28).


For the year in which ordinary elections would otherwise have taken place see section 35 of the Local Government Act 1972 (c. 70) in respect of community councillors.