

Request by a person to be treated as an applicant or respondent

13.—(1) A person (“the potential party”) may make a request to the tribunal to be joined as a party to the proceedings.

(2) Any request under paragraph (1)—

(a)may be made without notice;

(b)must be in writing;

(c)must give reasons for the request; and

(d)must specify whether the potential party wishes to be treated as—

(i)an applicant; or

(ii)a respondent.

(3) A tribunal may refuse a request under paragraph (1) where the tribunal is not satisfied that the potential party is an interested person or a person who has sufficient interest in the outcome of proceedings.

(4) As soon as practicable after reaching its decision whether to grant or refuse a request under paragraph (1), the tribunal must—

(a)notify the potential party of the decision and the reasons for it; and

(b)send a copy of the notification to the existing parties.

(5) Any potential party whose request under paragraph (1) is granted must be treated as an applicant or respondent for the purposes of these Regulations.

(6) In these Regulations any reference to an applicant or a respondent must be construed as including a person treated as such under this regulation, and any reference to a party must be construed as including any such person.

(7) A single qualified member of the panel may grant or refuse a request under paragraph (1).