The Integrated Family Support Teams (Review of Cases) (Wales) Regulations 2010

Regulation 9(3)(b)

SCHEDULE 3Review of Children’s Cases (Wales) Regulations 2007

The following Schedule is inserted into the Review regulations after Schedule 3—

Regulation 6A

SCHEDULE 4Additional considerations to which local authorities are to have regard where IFS team involved

1.  The care plan or health treatment plan of the parent or parents.

2.  Any changes in the family circumstances since the last review.

3.  Any change to the parenting capacity of the parents as a result of health or social care services provided or as a result of other factors.

4.  Any significant events outside the family which are relevant.

5.  Any difficulties which the family may have had in engaging with the IFS team.

6.  Whether there is any conflict between the needs of the child and the needs of the adults and how this can be resolved.

7.  The need to prepare for the ending of the involvement of the IFS team.