The Integrated Family Support Teams (Review of Cases) (Wales) Regulations 2010

Amendments to the Review of Children’s Cases (Wales) Regulations 2007

9.—(1) In paragraph (2) of regulation 1 of the Review regulations (Title, commencement, interpretation and application) insert the following definition—

  • “IFS team” (“tîm integredig cymorth i deuluoedd”) means an integrated family support team established by a local authority with the participation of a local health board in accordance with section 57 of the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010;”.

(2) In regulation 4 of the Review Regulations (Time when each case is to be reviewed), in paragraph (3) delete the words “the independent reviewing officer so directs” and insert the following subparagraphs–

(a)the independent reviewing officer so directs, or,

(b)the child is included within a family whose case has been referred to an IFS team and the family has been notified their case will be supported by the team.

(3) (a) After regulation 6 of the Review regulations, insert the following regulation—

Additional considerations to which responsible authorities are to have regard where IFS team involved

6A.  The additional considerations to which responsible authorities are to have regard in reviewing the case of a child who is part of a family which is being supported by an IFS team are the considerations specified in Schedule 4.

(b)Schedule 3 (which inserts a new Schedule 4 into the Review regulations) shall have effect.

(4) In regulation 8 of the Review regulations (Consultation, notification and participation), in paragraph (1), at the end of subparagraph (d) delete the word “and” and add the following subparagraph—

(dd)in the case of a child whose family is being supported by an IFS team, a member of that team; and.

(5) In regulation 8 of the Review regulations, in paragraph (3), at the end of subparagraph (d), delete the word “and” and add the following subparagraph —

(dd)in the case of a child whose family is being supported by an IFS team, a member of that team; and.