
PART 3Environmental Statements

CHAPTER 1Preparation of Environmental Statements

Scoping directions of the Welsh Ministers

14.—(1) This paragraph applies to every EIA application which, immediately before the date on which these Regulations come into force, is before the Welsh Ministers for determination.

(2) The Welsh Ministers must make a scoping direction in relation to every EIA application to which paragraph (1) applies—

(a)in cases where paragraph (5) applies, as soon as reasonably practicable following receipt of such scoping information as may be required pursuant to written notification given under that paragraph;

(b)where an applicant or appellant has made a request pursuant to regulation 10(2), as soon as reasonably practicable following the making of a positive screening direction;

(c)in all other cases, as soon as reasonably practicable after the date on which these Regulations come into force.

(3) This paragraph applies to every EIA application referred to the Welsh Ministers for determination on or after the date on which these Regulations come into force and in respect of which—

(a)a copy of a scoping opinion has not been sent to the applicant under regulation 12(7); and

(b)a copy of a screening direction has not been sent to the applicant under regulation 13(12).

(4) The Welsh Ministers must make a scoping direction in relation to every EIA application to which paragraph (3) applies—

(a)as soon as reasonably practicable following the application being so referred; or

(b)where paragraph (5) applies, as soon as reasonably practicable following receipt of such scoping information as may be required pursuant to written notification given under that paragraph.

(5) If the Welsh Ministers consider that they have not been provided with sufficient information to make a scoping direction they must—

(a)in relation to an EIA application to which paragraph (1) applies, as soon as reasonably practicable following the date on which these Regulations come into force; or

(b)in relation to an EIA application to which paragraph (3) applies, as soon as reasonably practicable following the application being so referred,

notify the applicant or appellant or a relevant operator in writing of the additional information (“scoping information”) they require and of the matters set out in paragraph 8 of Schedule 3.

(6) For the purposes of paragraph (5), a relevant operator is any operator which the Welsh Ministers reasonably consider is, or should be, able to provide scoping information.

(7) The Welsh Ministers may in writing, request the relevant mineral planning authority to provide such information as it can in relation to scoping information which is the subject of a written notification under paragraph (5).

(8) A request made pursuant to paragraph (7) must be accompanied by a copy of the notification given under paragraph (5) to which the request relates.

(9) A mineral planning authority to which a request is made under paragraph (7) must, within 3 weeks of the date on which that request is made, or such longer period as is agreed in writing with the Welsh Ministers—

(a)provide such information as it can in relation to the scoping information; or

(b)notify the Welsh Ministers in writing of the reasons why it cannot provide any such information.

(10) Scoping information required pursuant to a written notification given under paragraph (5) must be provided within 3 weeks beginning with the date on which notification under that paragraph is given, or such longer period as may be agreed in writing with the Welsh Ministers (“the relevant period”).

(11) If scoping information required pursuant to written notification given under paragraph (5) is not provided within the relevant period the planning permission to which the EIA application relates ceases to authorise any minerals development from the end of the relevant period.

(12) The Welsh Ministers must not make a scoping direction under paragraph (2) or (4) until they have consulted the applicant or appellant, any relevant operator notified under paragraph (5), and the consultation bodies.

(13) The Welsh Ministers must, as soon as they have made a scoping direction under this regulation, send to the applicant or appellant—

(a)a copy of that direction; and

(b)written notification of the matters set out in paragraph 9 of Schedule 3.

(14) The Welsh Ministers must send a copy of any direction sent, and written notification given, under paragraph (13) to the relevant mineral planning authority.

(15) The making of a scoping direction under this regulation does not preclude the Welsh Ministers from giving written notification under regulation 26 (further information) or 27 (evidence).

(16) The Welsh Ministers may withdraw a written notification given under paragraph (5) at any time before the expiration of the relevant period.