

Termination of representative’s appointment

14.  A person ceases to be a representative if—

(a)they die;

(b)they inform the supervisory body that they no longer are willing to continue in the role;

(c)the period of their appointment ends;

(d)a representative has been appointed after having been selected in accordance with regulation 7(2) and the relevant person informs the supervisory body that he or she objects to that person continuing to be his or her representative;

(e)a representative has been appointed after having been selected in accordance with regulation 8(2) and the donee or deputy objects to the person continuing to be the relevant person’s representative;

(f)the supervisory body terminates the appointment because it is satisfied that the representative is not maintaining sufficient contact with the relevant person in order to support and represent him or her;

(g)the supervisory body terminates the appointment because it is satisfied that the person is no longer eligible for the purposes of regulation 6(1) to be a representative; or

(h)the supervisory body terminates the appointment because it is satisfied that the person is not acting in the best interests of the relevant person.