The Collaboration Between Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2008

Proceedings of joint committees

8.—(1) The clerk must convene meetings of the joint committee and, when exercising this function, he or she must comply with any direction given by—

(a)the joint committee;

(b)the chair of the joint committee, so far as such direction is not inconsistent with any direction given under sub-paragraph (a).

(2) Where a clerk has not been appointed committee meetings must be convened by the chair who, when exercising this function, must comply with any direction given by the joint committee.

(3) Subject to any direction given in accordance with paragraph (1), at least five clear days in advance the clerk must give to each member of the joint committee, the local education authority and to the head teachers (whether or not they are members of the joint committee)—

(a)written notice of the meeting;

(b)a copy of the agenda for the meeting; and

(c)any reports or other papers to be considered at the meeting;

but where the chair of the joint committee so determines on the ground that there are matters demanding urgent consideration, it will be sufficient if the written notice of the meeting states that fact and the notice, agenda and reports or other papers to be considered at the meeting are given within such shorter period as he or she directs (as the case may be).

(4) The proceedings of a joint committee are not invalidated by—

(a)any vacancy among its number; or

(b)any defect in the appointment of any member of the joint committee.

(5) No vote on any matter may be taken at a meeting of a joint committee unless the majority of members of the joint committee present are members of a collaborating governing body.

(6) Every question to be decided at a meeting of a joint committee must be determined by a majority of the votes of the members of the joint committee present and voting on the question.

(7) Where there is an equal division of votes the person who is acting as chair for the purposes of the meeting has a second or casting vote, provided that person is a member of a collaborating governing body