The Collaboration Between Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2008


10.—(1) Minutes of the proceedings of a meeting of a joint committee must be drawn up by the clerk or by the person acting as the clerk for the purposes of the meeting; and must be signed (subject to the approval of the joint committee) by the chair of the next meeting of the joint committee.

(2) The joint committee must supply its local education authority with a copy of the draft or signed minutes of any of its meetings on request by that local education authority.

(3) The minutes of proceedings must be entered into a book kept for the purpose by the clerk and may be entered on loose-leaf pages consecutively numbered but in that case the person signing the minutes must initial each page.

(4) The person acting as clerk to the joint committee for the purposes of any meeting must record immediately before the entry recording the minutes of that meeting in the book or pages used for that purpose the names of those members of the joint committee and of any other person present at the meeting conferred.

(5) Subject to paragraph (6) the joint committee must, as soon as reasonably practicable make available for inspection at each of the collaborating schools by any interested person, and give to the collaborating governing bodies—

(a)the agenda for every meeting;

(b)the signed minutes of every such meeting;

(c)any report or other paper considered at any such meeting;

(d)the draft minutes of any meeting, if they have been approved by the person acting as chair of that meeting; and

(e)a copy of the agenda and signed minutes for every meeting and any report or other paper considered at the meeting.

(6) The joint committee may exclude from any item required to be made available in pursuance of paragraph (5) any material relating to—

(a)a named person who works, or who it is proposed should work, at a school;

(b)a named pupil at, or candidate for admission to, a school;

(c)any other matter that, by reason of its nature, the joint committee is satisfied should remain confidential.

(7) Each page of published copies of any draft minutes of proceedings of meetings approved by the chair must indicate that they are draft minutes.