The Sheep and Goats (Records, Identification and Movement) (Wales) Order 2008

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introduction

    1. 1.Title, application and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Competent authority

    4. 4.Authorisations

  3. PART 2 Identification of animals

    1. 5.Identification of animals not identified before 22 January 2008

    2. 6.Identification of animals intended for slaughter

    3. 7.Identification of animals identified before 22 January 2008

    4. 8.Identification of animals not identified before 22 January 2008 which are not on their holding of birth

    5. 9.Identification of animals for export

    6. 10.Identification of animals imported from third countries

  4. PART 3 Identification tags

    1. 11.Approval of identification tags

    2. 12.Additional tags and tags with additional information

    3. 13.Red eartags

  5. PART 4 Removal or replacement of identification marks

    1. 14.Removal or replacement of identification marks

    2. 15.Replacement of the identification marks with an identical code

    3. 16.Replacement of the identification marks with a different code

    4. 17.Replacement of the identification mark with a different code for double-tagged animals which have lost one identification mark

    5. 18.Replacement of the identification mark with a different code for double-tagged animals which have lost both identification marks

    6. 19.Replacement of the means of identification or older means of identification with a different code of single-tagged animals

    7. 20.Replacement of identification marks lost at markets

    8. 21.Loss of methods of identification applied in a third country.

    9. 22.Alteration of identity tags

  6. PART 5 Holding Registers

    1. 23.Holding Register

  7. PART 6 Movement documents

    1. 24.Movement document

    2. 25.Supply of movement document

  8. PART 7 Central database

    1. 26.Inventory of animals

    2. 27.Supply of information

  9. PART 8 Markets

    1. 28.Markets

  10. PART 9 Animals brought into Wales

    1. 29.Receipt of animals from another member State

    2. 30.Receipt of animals from England, Scotland or Northern Ireland

  11. PART 10 Miscellaneous

    1. 31.Defence related to movement for emergency veterinary treatment

    2. 32.Powers of inspectors

    3. 33.Power to prohibit movement of animals

    4. 34.False information

    5. 35.Offences by bodies corporate

    6. 36.Enforcement

    7. 37.Revocations

  12. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Holding Register

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Movement document

  13. Explanatory Note