
PART 3Other pollutants and background monitoring

Measurement of PM2·5

17.—(1) The National Assembly must, in accordance with paragraph (2), install and operate measuring stations to supply representative data on concentrations of PM2·5.

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1), the National Assembly must—

(a)choose the number of measuring stations it considers necessary;

(b)insofar as possible, co-locate the measuring stations with any sampling points established for PM10 in accordance with regulation 15(1), or

(ii)in any other case, locate the measuring stations in accordance with the principles set out in Parts 1, 4 and 5 of Schedule 5 as they apply to PM10;

(c)use reference methods for sampling and measurement that it considers suitable; and

(d)have regard to the data quality objectives set out in Part 1 of Schedule 8.

Measurement of ozone precursor substances

18.—(1) The National Assembly must, in accordance with paragraph (2), install and operate one or, if it considers it necessary, more measuring stations to supply data on concentrations of those ozone precursor substances set out in Schedule 10.

(2) The National Assembly must have regard to Schedule 10 in choosing the number and sites of measuring stations and their operation.

Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

19.—(1) The National Assembly must, in accordance with paragraphs (3) to (6), monitor concentrations of—

(a)those polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons listed in paragraph (2); and

(b)any other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, within the meaning of paragraph (7) that it may additionally choose to monitor.

(2) The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons required to be assessed by paragraph (1) comprise—






(f)dibenz(a,h)anthracene; and


(3) The monitoring required by paragraph (1) must take place at monitoring sites designated for this purpose by the National Assembly in accordance with paragraphs (4) and (5).

(4) Each monitoring site must—

(a)insofar as possible, be co-located with a sampling point established for benzo(a)pyrene under regulation 15(1); or

(b)in any other case, be located in accordance with Parts 2, 4 and 5 of Schedule 5.

(5) The total number of monitoring sites and their overall selection is to be such as the National Assembly considers necessary to ensure that the monitoring carried-out provides sufficient information to identify long-term trends and geographical variation in concentrations.

(6) Regulation 16(2) and (3) applies to the monitoring required by this regulation.

(7) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” (“hydrocarbonau aromatig polysyclig”) means organic compounds, other than benzo(a)pyrene, which are composed of at least two fused aromatic rings made entirely from carbon and hydrogen.

Background monitoring

20.—(1) The National Assembly must, in accordance with paragraphs (3) and (4), install and operate background sampling points to provide the measurements required by paragraph (2).

(2) The measurements required by this regulation are indicative measurements of—

(a)concentrations of—

(i)Group B pollutants,

(ii)polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and

(iii)total gaseous mercury as defined in paragraph (6);


(b)total deposition of—

(i)Group B pollutants within the PM10 fraction,

(ii)polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and


(3) For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2), the National Assembly must ensure that—

(a)at least one sampling point is installed for every 100,000 km2; and

(b)each sampling point is located in accordance with Parts 2, 4 and 5 of Schedule 5.

(4) Regulation 16(2) and (3) applies to the measurements required by this regulation.

(5) The National Assembly may—

(a)in addition to the indicative measurements required by paragraph (2), take further indicative measurements relating specifically to particulate and gaseous divalent mercury from the sampling points required to be installed by paragraph (1); and

(b)coordinate any measurements taken under this regulation with the European Monitoring and Evaluation of Pollutants monitoring strategy and measurement programme.

(6) For the purpose of paragraph (2)(a)(iii), “total gaseous mercury” (“mercwri nwyol llwyr”) means—

(a)elemental mercury vapour (Hg0); and

(b)reactive gaseous mercury.