The Animal Gatherings (Wales) Order 2007

Time limits

9.—(1) An animal gathering for the purpose of a sale (whether or not sale is the sole purpose) held on premises with a paved animal area or a sheep autumn breeding sale licensed under article 8 must not last for more than 48 hours, starting at midday.

(2) A veterinary inspector may by notice extend the period of the animal gathering under paragraph (1) if he or she is satisfied that—

(a)the extension is necessary for animal welfare reasons; or

(b)the risk of the introduction of disease into the sale and its subsequent dissemination is low.

(3) In the case of an animal gathering to which paragraph (1) does not apply, if one of the purposes of the gathering is the bringing together of animals for onward consignment within Great Britain, the gathering must not last for more than 48 hours, starting at midday.