The Animal Gatherings (Wales) Order 2007

Exemption for premises with a paved animal area

7.—(1) The restriction in article 6 does not apply if the animal area of the licensed premises is paved, and is cleansed and disinfected and waste is disposed of in accordance with this article before a further animal gathering is held.

(2) The cleansing and disinfection—

(a)must not begin until all animals have been removed from the part of the animal area to be cleansed and disinfected; and

(b)must be completed after the last animal has left the licensed premises and before an animal gathering is held on the premises again.

(3) All parts of the animal area (including any equipment) must be swept or scraped clean and then cleansed by washing and disinfected with an approved disinfectant.

(4) The licensee must ensure that all feedingstuffs to which animals had access, and all bedding, excreta, other material of animal origin and other contaminants derived from animals in the animal area are-


(b)treated so as to remove the risk of transmission of disease; or

(c)disposed of so that animals do not have access to them,

as soon as possible and before animals are allowed to enter the licensed premises again.

(5) If, following the last occasion on which the animal area was cleansed and disinfected in accordance with this article, it becomes contaminated with animal excreta or other material of animal origin or any contaminant derived from animals, then the animal area or those parts of it that have become so contaminated must be swept or scraped clean and then cleansed by washing and disinfected with an approved disinfectant before any animals are allowed on to the licensed premises again.

(6) Where there is a series of animal gatherings on premises with a paved animal area that last no longer than 48 hours in total, the series will be treated as one animal gathering.