
SCHEDULE 1Transitional Provisions

Pre payment Certificates

2.—(1) Where a person has obtained a pre-payment certificate by virtue of making any payment in accordance with regulation 10 of the Charges Regulations 2001, and the relevant period as defined by paragraph (3) is unexpired, an application for a refund may be made, by or on behalf of that person or his or her estate, in accordance with paragraph (4) in respect of each complete month following 1 April 2007.

(2) The refund referred to in paragraph (1) is calculable as follows—

(a)in the case of a pre-payment certificate valid for 4 months, one quarter of the prescribed sum paid for each complete month during which the pre-payment certificate is or was valid;

(b)in the case of a pre-payment certificate valid for 12 months one twelfth of the prescribed sum paid for each complete month during which the pre-payment certificate is or was valid;

and for the purposes of these calculations “complete month” means a month beginning on the monthly anniversary of the date upon which the pre-payment certificate became valid and ending on the date immediately preceding that date in the following month.

(3) In paragraph (1) “the relevant period” means the period of validity of the pre-payment certificate excluding the month in respect of which an application for repayment under paragraph (1) may be made.

(4) Applications under this regulation must be made to the Local Health Board that received the prescribed sum under regulation 10 of the Charges Regulations 2001 and must be accompanied by the certificate (where granted) and a declaration in support of the claim, and the claim and any repayment must be made in such manner and subject to such conditions as the National Assembly may determine.