
Supply of drugs and appliances by chemists

3.—(1) A chemist who provides pharmaceutical services to a patient must not make or recover a charge for any drugs or appliances supplied as part of those services in the following circumstances—

(a)where the patient presents a Welsh prescription form; or

(b)where the patient presents both an equivalent prescription form and a valid entitlement card.

(2) Save where the circumstances in paragraph (1) (a) or (b) above are satisfied, a chemist who provides pharmaceutical services to a patient, must, subject to paragraph (3), make and recover from that patient,—

(a)in respect of an item of elastic hosiery the charge that is specified in regulation 3(1)(a) of the Charges Regulations 2000,

(b)in respect of the supply of each other appliance and each quantity of a drug, the charge that is specified in regulation 3(1)(b) of the Charges Regulations 2000.

(3) Where a charge is paid under paragraph (2), the person making the payment must on doing so sign a declaration in writing on the equivalent prescription form that the relevant charge has been paid.

(4) A chemist who provides repeat dispensing services to a patient must not make or recover a charge for any drugs or appliances supplied as part of those services in the following circumstances—

(a)where a batch issue applies to the supply of any appliance or quantity of drug dispensed by the chemist to that patient; or

(b)where an equivalent batch issue applies to the supply of any appliance or quantity of drug dispensed by the chemist to that patient and where the patient presents a valid entitlement card.

(5) Save where the circumstances in paragraph (4) (a) or (b) above are satisfied, a chemist who provides repeat dispensing services to a patient must, subject to paragraph (6), make and recover from that patient—

(a)in respect of an item of elastic hosiery, the charge specified in regulation 3(1A)(b)(i) of the Charges Regulations 2000,

(b)in respect of the supply of each other appliance and of each quantity of a drug, the charge that is specified in regulation 3(1A)(b)(ii) of the Charges Regulations 2000.

(6) Where a charge is paid under paragraph (5), the person making the payment must on doing so sign a declaration in writing on the equivalent batch issue that the relevant charge has been paid.

(7) For the purposes of paragraph (2) where a drug ordered on a single equivalent prescription form is supplied by instalments, the charge specified in regulation 3(4) of the Charges Regulations 2000 must be paid upon the supply of the first instalment.

(8) No charges may be made and recovered under paragraphs (2) or (5) where—

(a)there is an exemption under regulation 8 and a declaration of entitlement to exemption is duly completed by or on behalf of the patient—

(i)in cases where an equivalent prescription form is presented, on the equivalent prescription form,

(ii)in cases falling within paragraph (5) on the equivalent batch issue relating to the equivalent repeatable prescription, at the time the drug or appliance is supplied;

(b)the patient is resident in a school or institution the name of which is inserted on the equivalent prescription form by a prescriber pursuant to the term of a GMS Contract which gives effect to paragraph 44(2) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contract Regulations or of other arrangements for the provision of primary medical services made under section 16CC(2) of the Act(1);

(c)there is entitlement to remission of the charge under regulation 3 of the Travelling Expenses and Remission of Charges Regulations and a declaration of entitlement to remission is duly completed by or on behalf of the patient in accordance with regulation 7 of those Regulations.

(9) A chemist, notwithstanding his or her terms of service, is under no obligation to provide pharmaceutical services in respect of an order on—

(a)an equivalent prescription form,

(b)an equivalent repeatable prescription,

unless he or she is first paid by the patient any charge required to be made and recovered by paragraph (2) or (5), as the case may be, in respect of that order.

(10) A chemist who makes and recovers a charge under paragraph (2) or (5) must, if so required by the patient, give the patient a receipt for the amount received on the form provided for the purpose which form must contain forms of declaration in support of an application for repayment and information as to whom an application for repayment should be made.

(11) Any sum which would otherwise be payable by a Local Health Board to a chemist in respect of the provision by the chemist of pharmaceutical services will be reduced by the amount of any charges which are required to be made and recovered by the preceding provisions of this regulation.


Section 16CC(2) of the Act is replaced by section 41(2) of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006 with effect from 1 March 2007.