
Review of Transition Plans

7.—(1) A Transition Plan must be reviewed—

(a)if a primary school (“the new primary school”) becomes a feeder primary school of a secondary school which already has one or more feeder primary schools;

(b)if the governing bodies of all of the schools concerned consider that it might be necessary or desirable for revisions to be made; and

(c)in any event before the expiration of the period of three years beginning on the date on which the first Transition Plan was published and (subject to paragraph (14)) at intervals of three years thereafter.

(2) The purpose of a review under sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) is for the governing bodies of the schools which drew up the current Transition Plan and the governing body of the new primary school, after jointly reviewing the current Transition Plan and considering what revisions it is necessary or desirable to make to it, to jointly draw up a revised or new Transition Plan having regard, in particular, to the views of the governing body of the new primary school on what the plan should contain.

(3) The purpose of a review under sub-paragraph (b) or (c) of paragraph (1) is for the governing bodies of the schools which drew up the current Transition Plan to consider whether it is necessary or desirable to revise the plan and, if it is considered that it is necessary or desirable to revise it, to jointly draw up a revised or new Transition Plan.

(4) A plan which has been reviewed under paragraph (1)(b) may be further reviewed under that paragraph.

(5) Following a review under paragraph (1)(a) the current Transition Plan must be revised or a new Transition Plan drawn up.

(6) If, following a review under paragraph (1)(b) or (c), the governing bodies decide not to revise (or replace) the current Transition Plan, they must publish a statement recording that decision and giving brief reasons for it (a “Statement”).

(7) In the case of a review under paragraph (1)(a), the new (or revised) Transition Plan must be published on or before the beginning of the publication school year, and the review must begin in sufficient time for that requirement to be met.

(8) In paragraph (7), “the publication school year” means the school year of the secondary school immediately following the one at the beginning of which the first pupils of the new primary school (as a feeder primary school) transferred to the secondary school.

(9) In the case of a review under paragraph (1)(a), the first pupils of the new primary school to which the new or revised Transition Plan applies are those pupils who expect to transfer to the secondary school in the school year of the secondary school immediately following the publication school year.

(10) In the case of a review under paragraph (1)(b), the new (or revised) Transition Plan or Statement, as the case may be, must be published as soon as reasonably practicable.

(11) In the case of a review under paragraph (1)(c), the new (or revised) Transition Plan or Statement, as the case may be, must be published on or before the expiration of the period of three years beginning on the date on which the current Transition Plan was published, and the review must begin in sufficient time for that requirement to be met.

(12) In this regulation “the current Transition Plan” means the Transition Plan current at the time of the review.

(13) In this Regulation and regulation 8, “Statement” has the meaning given in paragraph (6) of this regulation.

(14) Where a Transition Plan is revised or replaced following a review under sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (1), the three year intervals for review referred to in sub-paragraph (c) of that paragraph will henceforth run from the date on which the revised or new Plan is published.