The Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals (Wales) (No 2) Order 2006

Poultry moved to premises outside controlled zones other than for slaughter

64.—(1) The occupier of any premises not in a protection or surveillance zone to which day-old chicks are moved must ensure that they are not moved off the premises for at least 21 days from the date they arrived there if those chicks were—

(a)hatched from eggs originating in such a zone or from eggs which have come into contact with such eggs; and

(b)moved from a hatchery in such a zone.

(2) The occupier of any premises not in a protection zone or a surveillance zone to which ready-to-lay poultry from a protection or surveillance zone are moved must ensure that they are not moved off the premises for at least 21 days from the date they arrived there.

(3) The occupier of any premises outside a low pathogenic avian influenza restricted zone to which poultry are moved from such a zone must ensure that poultry other than day old chicks hatched from eggs originating outside the zone are not moved off the premises for at least 21 days from the date they arrived there.

(4) The occupier of any premises to which any thing is moved under this article must, for at least 21 days from the date the thing was moved to the premises, make the following daily records—

(a)the number or approximate number of poultry on the premises;

(b)the number of poultry falling ill on the premises;

(c)the number of poultry dying on the premises;

(d)the amount of feed and, where possible, water being consumed by any poultry on the premises;

(e)any egg production on the premises.

(5) Records made under paragraph (4) must be kept for at least 6 weeks from the date the last record was made.

(6) The National Assembly must ensure that such veterinary inquiries as it considers necessary to monitor for avian influenza take place at the premises to which things are moved.