The Ceramic Articles in Contact with Food (Wales) Regulations 2006


5.—(1) Preparation of the sample—

(a)the sample must be clean and free from grease or other matter likely to affect the test;

(b)Wash the sample in a solution containing a household liquid detergent at a temperature of approximately 40 °C. Rinse the sample first in tap-water and then in distilled water or water of equivalent quality. Drain and dry so as to avoid any stain. The surface to be tested is not to be handled after it has been cleaned.

(2) Determination of lead and/or cadmium—

(a)the sample thus prepared is tested under the conditions laid down in Schedule I;

(b)before taking the test solution for determining lead and/or cadmium, homogenise the content of the sample by an appropriate method, which avoids any loss of solution or abrasion of the surface being tested;

(c)carry out a blank test on the reagent used for each series of determinations;

(d)carry out determinations for lead and/or cadmium under appropriate conditions.