
PART 3Restrictions on access to animal by-products and their use

Restrictions on feeding catering waste and other animal by-products

9.—(1) It is an offence to contravene Article 22(1)(b) of the Community Regulation (which prohibits the feeding of farmed animals with catering waste or feed materials containing or derived from catering waste) and it is also an offence to feed such materials to any other ruminant animal, pig or bird.

(2) It is an offence to feed to any ruminant animal, pig or bird any other animal by-product (unless it has been processed in accordance with the Community Regulation) other than–

(a)liquid milk or colostrum used on the farm of origin; or

(b)in accordance with Article 23(2) of the Community Regulation as applied by regulation 26(3) of these Regulations.