The Animal By-Products (Wales) Regulations 2006

Collection centres

27.—(1) For the purposes of Article 23(2) of the Community Regulation no person may operate a collection centre for the purposes of feeding animal by-products to–

(a)dogs from recognised kennels or recognised packs of hounds; or

(b)maggots for fishing bait,

unless the premises and the operator of the premises are authorised.

(2) No person may operate any premises on which animal by-products are collected and treated for feeding to zoo or circus animals on other premises unless the premises on which the by-products are collected and treated and the operator of those premises are authorised.

(3) Operators of premises authorised under this regulation must maintain and operate the premises in accordance with–

(a)the conditions applicable to a collection centre in Annex IX to the Community Regulation;

(b)the conditions of the authorisation; and

(c)all other relevant requirements of the Community Regulation and these Regulations.

(4) They must also ensure that any person employed on, or invited on to, the premises complies with those conditions and requirements.

(5) Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this regulation is guilty of an offence.