

Annual declarations and summaries

35.—(1) If —

(a)a producer in whose name any direct sales quota is registered pursuant to regulation 4 fails to submit to the National Assembly any declaration which he or she is required to submit by Article 11(2) of the Commission Regulation so that the declaration reaches it on or before 14 May in any year; or

(b)a purchaser fails to submit any summary which he or she is required to submit to it by Article 8(2) of the Commission Regulation so that the summary reaches it on or before 14 May in any year,

the National Assembly may recover a reasonable charge from that producer or that purchaser, as the case may be, in respect of any visit to any premises which it reasonably considers an authorised officer should make in order to obtain the declaration or summary in question.

(2) If the National Assembly sends to a purchaser a revised version of a summary submitted by him or her in accordance with Article 8(2) of the Commission Regulation, the purchaser must submit either —

(a)confirmation that the revised version is agreed; or

(b)amendments to the revised version,

so that such confirmation or amendments, as the case may be, reach the National Assembly before the expiry of the period of ten working days beginning with the date on which the revised version was sent to the purchaser.

(3) In this regulation, “authorised officer” means a person (whether or not an officer of the National Assembly) who is authorised by the National Assembly, either generally or specifically, to act in matters arising under these Regulations and the Community legislation.