The Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2005

Amendment of Regulations

2.—(1) The Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) Regulations 2003(1) are amended as follows.

(2) In regulation 3 add the words “in machine readable format” after the words “must provide to the authority”.

(3) In Part 2 of the Schedule —

(a)delete the word “and” at the end of paragraph 1(a);

(b)replace paragraph 1(b) with —

(b)the title of each learning activity the pupil is studying; and

(c)whether the pupil was screened to identify any basic skills needs for literacy and numeracy at the beginning of their programme of learning activities in the sixth form and, if so, whether their basic skills in relation to each of literacy and numeracy were —

(i)not assessed because no basic skills needs were identified when the pupil was screened; or

(ii)assessed and their basic skills were identified as being —

(aa)below entry level,

(bb)entry level 1,

(cc)entry level 2,

(dd)entry level 3,

(ee)level 1, or

(ff)above level 1; or

(iii)not known or the pupil refused to be assessed.;

(c)in paragraph 2 delete the words “course or other” after the words “In relation to”;

(d)delete the word “and” at the end of paragraph 2(e); and

(e)after paragraph 2(f) insert the following —

(g)whether the pupil is continuing to study or has completed or withdrawn from the learning activity; and

(h)where the pupil has completed or withdrawn from the learning activity, the date upon which the pupil completed or withdrew from the learning activity and whether the pupil has begun to study a new learning activity..