
Offerynnau Statudol Cymru

2005 Rhif 258 (Cy.24)


Rheoliadau'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Rhestri Cyflawnwyr) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2005

Wedi'u gwneud

8 Chwefror 2005

Yn dod i rym

28 Chwefror 2005

Mae Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, drwy arfer y pwerau a roddwyd gan adrannau 28X a 126(4) o Ddeddf y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol 1977(1) drwy hyn yn gwneud y Rheoliadau canlynol:

Enwi, cychwyn a chymhwyso

1.—(1Enw'r Rheoliadau hyn yw Rheoliadau'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Rhestri Cyflawnwyr) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2005 a deuant i rym ar 28 Chwefror 2005.

(2Yn y Rheoliadau hyn, ystyr “y prif Reoliadau” (“the principal Regulations”) yw Rheoliadau'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Rhestri Cyflawnwyr) (Cymru) 2004(2).

(3Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn gymwys mewn perthynas â Chymru yn unig.

Diwygiadau i'r prif Reoliadau

2.  Yn rheoliad 2 o'r prif Reoliadau (Dehongli ac addasu) mewnosoder y diffiniad canlynol ar ôl y diffiniad o “Primary Care Act” —

“primary care organisation” means in respect of Wales a Local Health Board, in respect of England a Primary Care Trust, in respect of Scotland a Health Board and in respect of Northern Ireland a Health and Social Services Board or such successor bodies to those primary care organisations as may exist from time to time.

3.  Ym mharagraff (1) o reoliad 3 o'r prif Reoliadau (Rhestri Cyflawnwyr) disodler yr ymadrodd “Part 2” gan yr ymadrodd “Part 3”.

4.  Ar ôl rheoliad 4 o'r prif Reoliadau (Gwneud cais am gael eu cynnwys ar restr cyflawnwyr) mewnosoder y canlynol—

Application for inclusion in a performers list by a performer already listed on a performers list of a primary care organisation

4A.(1) An application by a performer already included in a performers list held by a primary care organisation shall be made by sending the Local Health Board an application in writing, which shall include the information mentioned in paragraph (2), the undertakings required by paragraph (3), the certificate required by paragraph (4), the consent required by paragraph (5), any declaration required under paragraph (6) and any further information, undertakings, consents or documentation required under paragraph (7).

(2) The performer shall provide the information as required by paragraphs (2)(a), (b), (c), (d), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of regulation 4.

(3) The performer shall provide the undertakings as required by paragraphs (3)(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of regulation 4.

(4) The performer shall provide an enhanced criminal record certificate as required by paragraph (3)(f) of regulation 4, unless the performer has provided a certificate to the primary care organisation with which he or she is listed which is dated within the six months immediately preceding the date upon which the performer makes the application under this Regulation to the Local Health Board, in which case the performer shall submit a copy of such certificate certified as a copy of the original by the primary care organisation on whose list the performer is included.

(5) The performer shall provide

(a)the consent as required by paragraph (3)(g) of regulation 4; and

(b)consent to the release of information about the performer by the primary care organisation on whose list the performer is, corresponding to the information set out under paragraph (2)(e) of regulation 4 and clinical references taken by the Local Health Board corresponding to the requirements set out in paragraph (2)(f) of that Regulation.

(6) The performer shall send with the application a declaration as required by paragraph (4) and, where applicable, paragraph (5) of regulation 4 and any requisite details as set out in those paragraphs.

(7) The performer shall provide the authority required by paragraph (6) and such further information or documentation as may be required by the Local Health Board by paragraph (7) of regulation 4.

(8) A performer, who has applied in accordance with this Regulation to a Local Health Board for inclusion in its performers list, may perform primary services, despite not being included in that performers list, until the first of the following events arises —

(a)the Local Health Board notifies the performer of its decision on that application; or

(b)the end of a period of 2 months, starting with the date on which the Local Health Board receives the application under this Regulation from the performer.

(9) A performer may not withdraw an application made under this Regulation whilst a Local Health Board is deciding that application.

5.  Ym mharagraff (14) o reoliad 10 o'r prif Reoliadau (Tynnu pobl o restr cyflawnwyr) disodler yr ymadrodd “paragraph (6)” gan yr ymadrodd “paragraphs (3) or (6)”.

6.  Yn rheoliad 21 o'r prif Reoliadau (Dehongli) —

(a)disodler y diffiniad o “GP Registrar” gan y diffiniad canlynol—

“GP Registrar” means a medical practitioner who is being trained in general practice by—


until the coming into force for all purposes of article 4(5)(d) of the 2003 Order, a general medical practitioner who—


has been approved for that purpose by the Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for general Practice under regulation 7 of the Vocational Training Regulations, and


performs primary medical services; and


from the coming into force for all purposes of that article, a general medical practitioner who is approved under that article for the purpose of providing training under article 5(1)(c)(i) of the 2003 Order, whether as part of training leading to the award of a CCT or otherwise;.

(b)ar ddiwedd y diffiniad o “Vocational Training Regulations” ychwaneger y geiriau canlynol yn union ar ôl y geiriau “General Medical Practice) Regulations 1997” —

7.  Ar ôl rheoliad 23 o'r prif Reoliadau (Gwneud cais i gael eu cynnwys ar restr cyflawnwyr meddygol) mewnosoder y canlynol—

Application for inclusion in a medical performers list by a general medical practitioner already listed on a medical performers list of a primary care organisation

23A.(1) In addition to providing the information required by regulation 4A(2), the general medical practitioner when making an application for inclusion of the general medical practitioner’s name in medical performers list whilst that general medical practitioner is included in a medical performers list with a primary care organisation shall give the information required by paragraph 1(a), (b), (c), (f), (g) and (h) of regulation 23.

(2) In addition to the undertakings required by regulation 4A(3), the general medical practitioner shall give the further undertakings as required by paragraph (2) of regulation 23.

(3) If the medical practitioner is an armed forces GP included in a list held by a primary care organisation, the medical practitioner shall not be required to give an undertaking as required by regulation 4(3) as further specified in regulation 4(3)(e).

(4) A general medical practitioner, who has applied in accordance with this Regulation to a Local Health Board for inclusion in its medical performers list may perform primary medical services, despite not being included in that performers list, until the first of the following events arises —

(a)the Local Health Board notifies the performer of its decision on that application; or

(b)the end of a period of 2 months, starting with the date on which the Local Health Board receives the application under this Regulation from the general medical practitioner.

(5) A medical performer may not withdraw an application made under this Regualtion whilst a Local Health Board is deciding that application.

8.  Yn rheoliad 25 o'r prif Reoliadau (gofynion y mae'n rhaid i feddyg ar restr cyflawnwyr meddygol gydymffurfio â hwy) disodler yr ymadrodd “Regulation 9(6)” gan yr ymadrodd “Regulation 9(7)”.

Llofnodwyd ar ran y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 66(1) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 1998(5)

D. Elis-Thomas

Llywydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol

8 Chwefror 2005

Nodyn Esboniadol

(Nid yw'r nodyn hwn yn rhan o'r Rheoliadau)

Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn diwygio Rheoliadau'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Rhestri Cyflawnwyr) (Cymru) 2004 (“y prif Reoliadau”).

Mae rheoliad 2 yn gwneud diwygiad canlyniadol i reoliad 2 o'r prif Reoliadau drwy fewnosod diffiniad o “primary care organisation”.

Mae rheoliad 3 yn gwneud diwygiad i gyfeiriad a geir yn rheoliad 3 o'r prif Reoliadau.

Mae rheoliad 4 yn mewnosod rheoliad newydd 4A yn y prif Reoliadau. Mae'r rheoliad newydd hwn yn gwneud darpariaeth ar gyfer sut y mae cyflawnwyr sydd eisoes wedi'u rhestru ar restri cyflawnwyr yng Nghymru neu Loegr, yr Alban neu Ogledd Iwerddon i wneud cais i gael eu cynnwys mewn rhestr cyflawnwyr yng Nghymru ac mae'n pennu pa wybodaeth sydd i'w rhoi ynghyd â'r cais hwnnw.

Mae rheoliad 5 yn gwneud diwygiad i gyfeiriad a geir yn rheoliad 10 o'r prif Reoliadau.

Mae rheoliad 6 yn diwygio rheoliad 21 o'r prif Reoliadau drwy fewnosod diffiniad newydd o “GP Registrar” ac estyn y diffiniad o “Vocational Training Regulations”.

Mae rheoliad 7 yn mewnosod rheoliad newydd 23A yn y prif Reoliadau. Mae'r rheoliad newydd hwn yn gwneud darpariaeth ar gyfer sut y mae Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol sydd eisoes wedi'u rhestru ar restri cyflawnwyr meddygol yng Nghymru neu Loegr, yr Alban neu Ogledd Iwerddon i wneud cais i gael eu cynnwys mewn rhestr cyflawnwyr meddygol yng Nghymru ac mae'n pennu pa wybodaeth sydd i'w rhoi ynghyd â'r cais hwnnw.

Mae rheoliad 8 yn gwneud diwygiad i gyfeiriad a geir yn rheoliad 25 o'r prif Reoliadau.


1977 p.49; gweler adran 128(1) fel y'i diwygiwyd gan Ddeddf Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol a Gofal Cymunedol 1990 (p.19) (“Deddf 1990”), adran 26(2)(g) ac (i), a chan Ddeddf Iechyd 1999 (p.8) (“Deddf 1999”), Atodlen 4, paragraff 38(2)(b), i gael y diffiniadau o “prescribed” a “regulations”. Mewnosodwyd adran 28X gan Ddeddf Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol (Iechyd Cymunedol a Safonau) 2003 (p.43) (“Deddf 2003”), adran 179(1). Diwygiwyd adran 126(4) gan Ddeddf 1990, adran 65(2) a Deddf 1999, Atodlen 4, paragraff 37(6). Trosglwyddwyd swyddogaethau'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol o dan adran 126(4) o Ddeddf y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol 1977 i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru gan Orchymyn Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau) 1999 (“Gorchymyn Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau”), O.S. 1999/672, erthygl 2 ac Atodlen 1, fel y'u diwygiwyd gan Ddeddf 1999, adran 66(5). Mae adran 197 o Ddeddf 2003 yn darparu bod unrhyw gyfeiriad yn Atodlen 1 o'r Gorchymyn Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau at Ddeddf a ddiwygiwyd gan Ddeddf 2003 i'w drin fel petai'n cyfeirio at y Ddeddf honno fel y'i diwygiwyd gan Ddeddf 2003.


O.S. 1998/5 (A.2)