

Adoption Support Services

2.—(1) No application for registration under Part 2 of the 2000 Act shall be made in respect of an adoption support agency which is an unincorporated body.

(2) For the purposes of these Regulations and section 2(6) of the 2002 Act (definition of “adoption support services”), the following services are prescribed —

(a)assistance to adoptive parents, adoptive children, and related persons in relation to arrangements for contact between an adoptive child and a natural parent or a related person of the adoptive child;

(b)services that may be provided in relation to the therapeutic needs of the child in relation to that adoption;

(c)assistance for the purpose of ensuring the continuance of the relationship between the child and adoptive parent, including training for adoptive parents for the purpose of meeting any special needs of the child arising from that adoption;

(d)assistance where disruption in an adoption arrangement or placement has occurred or is in danger of occurring, including:

(i)mediation; and

(ii)organising and running meetings to discuss disruptions in adoptions or placements;

(e)assistance to adopted persons who have attained the age of 18 in obtaining information in relation to their adoption or facilitating contact between such persons and their relatives;

(f)assistance to relatives of adopted persons who have attained the age of 18, in obtaining information in relation to that adoption or facilitating contact between such persons and the adopted person.

(3) For the purposes of Regulations 2(2) (e) or (f) 'relative' means any person who but for his or her adoption would be related to the adopted person by blood, including half blood or marriage.