The Fodder Plant Seed (Wales) Regulations 2005

Definitions relating to plant species

3.  In these Regulations—

“Alaska brome-grass” means plants of the species Bromus sitchensis Trin.;

“Alsike clover” means plants of the species Trifolium hybridum L.;

“annual meadowgrass” means plants of the species Poa annua L.;

“birdsfoot trefoil” means plants of the species Lotus corniculatus L.;

“blue lupin” means plants of the species Lupinus angustifolius L. which is also commonly known as “narrow-leaved lupin”;

“brown top” means plants of the species Agrostis capillaris L.;

“cocksfoot” means plants of the species Dactylis glomerata L.;

“common vetch” means plants of the species Vicia sativa L.;

“creeping bent grass” means plants of the species Agrostis stolonifera L.;

“crucifers” means fodder kale, fodder radish and swede;

“dodder” means plants of the species Cuscuta;

“festulolium” means plants of the species Festuca arundinacea Schreber; Festuca ovina L.; Festuca pratensis Hudson; or Festuca rubra L. x Lolium multiflorum Lam.; Lolium multiflorum Lam.; Lolium perenne L.; or Lolium x boucheanum Kunth;

“field bean” means plants of the species Vicia faba L. (partim);

“field pea” means plants of the species Pisum sativum L. (partim);

“fine grasses” means grasses of the species specified in paragraph 1 of Schedule 2;

“fodder grasses” means grasses of the species specified in paragraph 2 of Schedule 2;

“fodder kale” means plants of the species Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC) Alef. var. medullosa Thell + var. viridis L.;

“fodder radish” means plants of the species Raphanus sativus L. var. Oleiformis Pers.;

“hairy vetch” means plants of the species Vicia villosa Roth;

“Hungarian vetch” means plants of the species Vicia pannonica Crantz;

“hybrid ryegrass” means plants of the species Lolium x boucheanum Kunth;

“Italian ryegrass ” means plants of the species Lolium multiflorum Lam. including Westerwolds ryegrass;

“large seeded legumes” means large seeded legumes of the species specified in paragraph 4 of Schedule 2;

“lucerne” means plants of the species Medicago sativa L. and Medicago x varia T. Martyn;

“lupins” means blue, white and yellow lupins;

“meadow fescue” means plants of the species Festuca pratensis Hudson;

“perennial ryegrass” means plants of the species Lolium perenne L.;

“red clover” means plants of the species Trifolium pratense L.;

“red fescue ” means plants of the species Festuca rubra L. including chewings fescue;

“red top” means plants of the species Agrostis gigantea Roth;

“rescue grass” means plants of the species Bromus catharticus Vahl.;

“rough stalked meadowgrass” means plants of the species Poa trivialis L.;

“sainfoin” means plants of the species Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.;

“sheep’s fescue” means plants of the species Festuca ovina L. including the plants commonly known as fine-leaved fescue and hard fescue;

“small seeded legumes” means small seeded legumes of the species specified in paragraph 3 of Schedule 2;

“small Timothy” means plants of the species Phleum bertolonii DC.;

“smooth-stalked meadowgrass” means plants of the species Poa pratensis L.;

“swede” means plants of the species Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.) Rchb.;

“tall fescue” means plants of the species Festuca arundinacea Schreber;

“tall oatgrass” means plants of the species Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. and C. Presl;

“Timothy” means plants of the species Phleum pratense L.;

“trefoil, black medick” means plants of the species Medicago lupulina L.;

“velvet bent” means plants of the species Agrostis canina L.;

“vetches” means common, hairy and Hungarian vetches;

“white clover” means plants of the species Trifolium repens L.;

“white lupin” means plants of the species Lupinus albus L.;

“wood meadowgrass” means plants of the species Poa nemoralis L.; and

“yellow lupin” means plants of the species Lupinus luteus L.