Community Health Councils Regulations 2004

PART VThe Board of Community Health Councils in Wales

Establishment of the Board of Community Health Councils in Wales

23.  There is hereby established, with effect from 1st April 2004 a body to be know as the Board of Community Health Councils in Wales which shall have the functions of—

(a)advising Councils with respect to the performance of their functions;

(b)assisting Councils in the performance of their functions;

(c)representing the collective views and interests of Councils to the Assembly;

(d)monitoring the performance of Councils and officers appointed under regulation 14 with a view to developing and ensuring consistency of standards by all Councils.

Composition of the CHC Board

24.  The CHC Board shall comprise 28 members of which —

(a)26 shall be appointed by the Councils acting jointly; and

(b)2 shall be appointed by the officers appointed under regulation 14 acting jointly.

Support Staff

25.—(1) The Assembly shall appoint a person acceptable to the CHC Board to act as its Director and shall also, after consultation with the CHC Board and subject to acceptance by the CHC Board of any individual officer appointed, appoint persons to act as such other officers for the CHC Board as the Assembly considers necessary.

(2) The appointment of a person to act as an officer of the CHC Board shall be made by the Assembly in a manner and for a period acceptable to the CHC Board.

(3) Persons appointed in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be employed by such Local Health Board as the Assembly may determine for the purpose, in accordance with any regulations made and any directions given by the Assembly under the Act, and their services shall be made available to the Council by that Local Health Board for the period of their appointment.

Premises and other facilities

26.—(1) The Assembly shall, after consultation with the CHC Board —

(a)provide the CHC Board with such office and other accommodation as the Assembly considers necessary to enable the CHC Board to perform its functions; and

(b)secure that arrangements are made for such administration, maintenance, cleaning and other services as may, in its opinion, be necessary for such accommodation,

but arrangements for the provision of services and accommodation may be made, with the approval of the Assembly, by the members.

(2) To enable the CHC Board to perform its functions —

(a)the Assembly may make available to the CHC Board such facilities (including use of any premises and the use of any vehicle, plant or apparatus) provided by it for any service under the Act as the Assembly considers are necessary; and

(b)the Local Health Board referred to in regulation 25(3) shall make available to the Council the services of such of its employees as the Assembly may direct.


27.—(1) The CHC Board shall adopt a constitution and Standing Orders as it thinks fit.

(2) The constitution and orders so adopted may be varied or revoked at any subsequent meeting of the CHC Board.

(3) The CHC Board may appoint committees and sub-committees which may consist of persons who are not members of the CHC Board.

(4) A representative of the Assembly and a representative of the Local Health Board referred to in regulation 25(3) shall be entitled to attend and take part in any deliberations (but not in decisions) at meetings of the CHC Board.


28.  The CHC Board shall, by 1st September 2004 and in each successive year make a report in writing to the Assembly regarding the performance of its functions during the period of twelve months ending on 31st March in that year and such other matters as the Assembly may require.