

Services to patients not registered with the contractor in general medical services contracts entered into following a default contract

25.—(1) Where, after 31st March 2004, a Local Health Board enters into a general medical services contract pursuant to articles 3 or 5 with a person or persons who, immediately before the coming into force of that contract, is or are a party to a default contract, that general medical services contract shall require the contractor to provide to patients who are not included on the contractor’s list of patients such of the additional services as were provided to those patients under that default contract, except to the extent that the contractor is not required to provide the additional service concerned to its registered patients under article 18.

(2) The services required to be provided under this article are in addition to any additional services which are required to be provided to the contractor’s registered patients under article 18.

(3) Paragraphs (4) to (6) of article 24 shall apply to additional services included in a general medical services contract pursuant to this paragraph.