The General Medical Services Transitional and Consequential Provisions (Wales) Order 2004

Additional services in default contracts

16.—(1) A default contract must require the contractor to provide in core hours to its registered patients and persons accepted by it as temporary residents all of the additional services, except those which fall within paragraph (2).

(2) An additional service falls within this paragraph if—

(a)on 31st March 2004 (or on the date on which the default contract is signed, if earlier) the equivalent of that service is not or was not being provided to his, her or their patients by—

(i)the medical practitioner who has entered into the default contract; or

(ii)in the case of a default contract with two or more medical practitioners practising in partnership, all of those medical practitioners; and

(b)the default contractor does not wish to provide that service to its patients under a general medical services contract which it intends to enter into after 31st March 2004 pursuant to article 3 or 5.