
Notification of decision of appeal

21.—(1) The decision, and the reasons for the decision, of the National Assembly or, as the case may be, the appointed person, must be notified in writing to—

(a)the parties;

(b)any person who, having taken part in the hearing, has asked to be notified of the decision; and

(c)any other person to whom notice was given in accordance with regulation 11 and who has asked to be notified of the decision.

(2) Any person entitled to be notified of the decision under paragraph (1) may apply to the National Assembly, in writing, for an opportunity to inspect any documents listed in the notification and the National Assembly must afford that person that opportunity.

(3) Any person making an application under paragraph (2) must ensure that it is received by the National Assembly within 6 weeks of the date of the decision on the appeal.

(4) The decision notified to the parties under paragraph (1) is binding on the parties.