
SCHEDULE 2Qualified Teacher Status Requirements


9.—(1) Persons who have been granted an authorisation to teach under Part II or III of Schedule 2 to the 1999 Regulations before 1st September 2004, and the recommending body has submitted to the National Assembly or the Council —

(a)a recommendation that they should be notified that they are qualified teachers; and

(b)a statement as described in sub-paragraph (2).

(2) The statement states that the persons in question —

(a)hold a first degree or equivalent qualification granted by a United Kingdom institution, or a qualification of an equivalent standard granted by an educational institution elsewhere;

(b)satisfy one of the following requirements —

(i)they have successfully completed service as graduate teachers or registered teachers for the period of the authorisation and have successfully completed any training proposed in the recommendation for an authorisation, or

(ii)they have completed not less than 3 months service as graduate teachers or not less than one year’s service as registered teachers and have made such progress during their period of service as graduate teachers or registered teachers that in the view of the recommending body they did not need, in the light of that progress, to complete that service for the period of the authorisation before being assessed under paragraph (c); and

(c)have been assessed by a competent person as meeting the specified standards.

(3) In this paragraph, “recommending body” means the body that is the organiser of the training given to persons named in the recommendation