
Regulation 11


1.  A statement that the proposals are published by the Council.

2.  The date on which the proposals are planned to be implemented or, where the proposals are planned to be implemented in stages, the date on which each stage is planned to be implemented.

3.  Details of the schools or further education colleges which pupils who are at the school and for whom provision is to be discontinued may attend, including any interim arrangements.

4.  The proposed arrangements for transport of such pupils to other schools or further education colleges.

5.  An analysis of the long-term impact of the proposals on the school to which the proposals relate.

6.  Details of any other measures proposed to be taken to increase the number of school or further education college places available in consequence of the proposed discontinuance of provision.

7.  Where the proposals are to discontinue a sixth form, the number of pupils to be admitted to the school in each relevant age group in the first school year in which the proposals have been implemented or, where it is intended that the proposals should be implemented in stages, the number of pupils to be admitted to the school in the first school year in which each stage has been implemented.

8.  Where proposals are to discontinue a sixth form at —

(a)a community or community special school, a statement that the duty to implement the proposals is a duty of the local education authority;

(b)a voluntary, foundation or foundation special school, a statement that the duty to implement the proposals is a duty of the governing body.

9.  Where the proposals are to discontinue —

(a)a 16 to 19 institution which is a community or community special school, a statement that the duty to implement the proposals is a duty of the local education authority;

(b)a 16 to 19 institution which is a voluntary or foundation school, a statement that the duty to implement the proposals is a shared duty of the governing body and the local education authority.

10.  A statement explaining the effect of paragraph 41 of Schedule 7 and regulation 15, including the date by which objections must be sent to the National Assembly.

11.  The address of the National Assembly, to which objections must be sent.