

Duties on persons attending the animal gathering

2.—(1) No person may enter licensed premises wearing outer clothing visibly contaminated with animal excreta or other animal contamination.

(2) If a person in the animal area is wearing outer clothing visibly contaminated with animal excreta or other animal contamination, on leaving the animal area he or she must immediately clean his or her clothing of gross contamination (unless the clothing is to be disposed of) and either —

(a)disinfect it;

(b)change into clean clothing;

(c)dispose of it; or

(d)leave the licensed premises.

(3) If a person outside the animal area is wearing outer clothing visibly contaminated with animal excreta or other animal contamination, an inspector may serve on him or her a notice giving him or her the option of immediately —

(a)cleaning his outer clothing,

(b)changing into clean clothing,

(c)disposing of disposable clothing, or

(d)leaving the licensed premises.