

2.  In this Order —

“the Act” (“y Ddeddf”) means the Sea Fish (Conservation) Act 1967;

“the Council Regulation” (“Rheoliad y Cyngor”) means Council Regulation (EC) No. 850/98 dated 30th March 1998 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms(1) as corrected by Corrigendum to Annex XII of the Council Regulation(2) and amended by Council Regulation (EC) No. 308/1999(3), Council Regulation (EC) No. 1459/1999(4), Council Regulation (EC) No. 2723/1999(5), Council Regulation (EC) No. 812/2000(6) and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1298/2000(7);

“beam trawler” (“treill-long drawst”) means a fishing boat which, in so far as it carries or uses nets, carries or uses only nets which are designed to be towed along the sea-bed and which have their mouth extended by a beam, bar or other rigid device;

“equivalent Order” (“Gorchymyn cyfatebol”) means an Order applying to England, Northern Ireland or Scotland and made under section 5 of the Act, pursuant to Article 46 of the Council Regulation, which prohibits fishing by any trawl other than a single trawl;

“net” (“rhwyd”) means a trawl, Danish Seine or similar towed net; and

“single trawl” (“treillrwyd unigol”) means a single net towed by a two warp rig in which the net has a single bosom groundrope (the bosom being the central portion of the trawl between the lower wings), where the groundrope is attached to the towing rig at each wing-end only and does not have any further attachment, including bridles, wires or ropes, connecting it to the said towing rig;

and any other corresponding expression used in the Council Regulation has the same meaning in this Order as in that Regulation.


OJ No. L125, 27.4.98, p.1.


OJ No. L318, 27.11.98, p.63.


OJ No. L038, 12.2.99, p.6.


OJ No. L168, 3.7.99, p.1.


OJ No. L328, 22.12.99, p.9.


OJ No. L1000, 20.4.2000, p.3.


OJ No. L148, 22.6.2000, p.1.