


Further information about staff

16.  In respect of any person, other than the applicant, who works at, or is intended to work at the establishment—

(a)whether the person is, or is intended to be, resident in the premises used as the establishment;

(b)if he or she is a relative of any person who has made an application in respect of the establishment, his or her relationship to such person;

(c)whether the person works or is intended to work, on a full-time basis or on a part-time basis and, if on a part-time basis, the number of hours per week for which it is intended that the person will work;

(d)the date on which the person commenced, or is intended to commence, working at the establishment;

(e)information as to the person’s qualifications, experience and skills in so far as is relevant to the work that the person is to perform;

(f)a statement by applicant that he or she is satisfied as to the authenticity of the qualifications, and has verified the experience and skills that are referred in sub-paragraph (e);

(g)a statement as to—

(i)the suitability of the person’s qualifications for the work that the person is to perform;

(ii)whether the person has the skills necessary for such work;

(iii)the person’s fitness to work, and have regular contact, with service users;

(h)a statement by the person as to the state of his or her physical and mental health;

(i)a statement by the applicant that the person is physically and mentally fit for the purposes of the work which he or she is to perform;

(j)a statement by the applicant as to whether he or she is satisfied as to the person’s identity, the means by which the applicant so satisfied himself or herself and whether the applicant has obtained a copy of the person’s birth certificate;

(k)confirmation by the applicant that he or she has a recent photograph of the person;

(l)a statement by the applicant that he or she has obtained two references relating to the person and that the applicant is satisfied as to the authenticity of those references;

(m)details of any criminal offences of which the person has been convicted, including details of any convictions which are spent within the meaning of section 1 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and which may be disclosed by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975, and, in relation to each such offence, a statement by the person—

(i)as to whether in his or her view the offence is relevant to his or her suitability to care for, train, supervise or be in sole charge of any person and, if so,

(ii)as to why he or she considers that he or she is suitable to perform the work in which he or she is to be employed;

(n)details of any criminal offences in respect of which he or she has been cautioned by a constable and which, at the time the caution was given, he or she admitted.