The Children’s Homes (Wales) Regulations 2002

Regulation 28(4)


1.  A record in the form of a register showing in respect of each child accommodated in the children’s home—

(a)the date of his or her admission to the home;

(b)the date on which he or she ceased to be accommodated there;

(c)his or her address prior to being accommodated in the home;

(d)his or her address on leaving the home;

(e)his or her placing authority;

(f)the statutory provision, if any, under which he or she is accommodated in the home.

2.  A record of all persons working at the children’s home, which shall include in respect of a person falling within regulation 26(1) the following matters—

(a)full name;


(c)date of birth;

(d)home address;

(e)qualifications relevant to, and experience of, work involving children;

(f)whether he or she works at the home full-time or part-time, (whether paid or not) and if part-time the average number of hours worked per week; and

(g)whether he or she resides at the home.

3.  A record of any person who resides or works at any time at the children’s home, who is not mentioned in the records kept in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2.

4.  A record of all accidents occurring in the children’s home or to children whilst accommodated by the home.

5.  A record of the receipt, disposal and administration of any medicine to any child.

6.  A record of every fire drill or fire alarm test conducted, with details of any deficiency in either the procedure or the equipment concerned, together with details of the steps taken to remedy that deficiency.

7.  A record of all money deposited by a child for safekeeping, together with the date on which that money was withdrawn, or the date of its return.

8.  A record of all valuables deposited by a child and the date of their return.

9.  Records of all accounts kept in the children’s home.

10.  A record of menus served.

11.  A record, in accordance with regulation 17(4), of every disciplinary measure imposed on a child.

12.  Records of all staff duty rosters, and a record of the actual rosters worked.

13.  A daily log of events occurring in the home.

14.  A record of all visitors to the home and to children accommodated in the home, including the names of visitors and the reasons for the visit.