The Care Homes (Wales) Regulations 2002

Statement of purpose

4.—(1) The registered person shall compile in relation to the care home a written statement (in these Regulations referred to as “the statement of purpose” (“y datganiad o ddiben”)) which shall consist of—

(a)a statement of the aims and objectives of the care home;

(b)a statement as to the facilities and services which are to be provided by the registered person for service users; and

(c)a statement as to the matters listed in Schedule 1.

(2) The registered person shall provide a copy of the statement of purpose to the appropriate office of the National Assembly and shall make it available upon request for inspection at any reasonable time by any service user and any representative of a service user.

(3) Nothing in regulation 16(1) or 24(1) shall require or authorise the registered person to contravene, or not to comply with—

(a)any other provision of these Regulations; or

(b)the conditions for the time being in force in relation to the registration of the registered person under Part II of the Act.