The Disease Control (Interim Measures) (Wales) (No. 2) Order 2002

General provisions as to licences

8.—(1) Subject to paragraph (4), every animal which is moved under the authority of a licence granted under this Order shall—

(a)be kept separate throughout such movement from any animal which is not being moved under the authority of that licence;

(b)be moved by the most direct route available to the place of destination specified in the licence only, and to no other place, and

(c)be accompanied throughout the movement by the licence.

(2) The person in charge of any animal to which a licence issued under this Order relates shall, on demand made by a constable or by an inspector or other officer of the National Assembly for Wales, the Secretary of State or of a local authority, produce the licence, and allow a copy thereof or an extract therefrom to be taken, and shall also, if so required, furnish his or her name and address.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4) and the provisions of any licence issued under this Order imposing a contrary requirement on the person moving the animals, the occupier of premises to which animals are moved under that licence shall—

(a)ensure that the occupier or his or her representative is given the licence under which they have been moved before allowing the animals to be unloaded from the vehicle on which they have been transported;

(b)forward that licence without delay to the local authority responsible for the area in which those premises are situated and, in the case of a slaughterhouse, provide a copy to the official veterinary surgeon appointed for those premises;

(c)retain a copy of that licence for a period of 6 months and produce it upon request for inspection by an inspector; and

(d)provide adequate facilities, equipment and materials for any cleansing and disinfection required by a licence under this Order.

(4) The provisions of paragraphs (1)(b) and (c), (2) (insofar as it relates to the production and copying of a licence) and (3)(a) to (c) shall not apply in any case where animals are moved under a general licence.

(5) Where an inspector of a local authority issues a licence under article 3(1)(a), he or she shall retain a copy of the licence for six months.