The Sheep and Goats Identification and Movement (Interim Measures) (Wales) (No. 2) Order 2002

Movements generally

9.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) to (4) and articles 8 and 10, a person must not move a sheep or goat unless it is marked with one or more of the following—

(a)an Origin Mark and an individual identification number;

(b)an S Mark indicating the flockmark or herdmark of the holding from which the animal is being moved;

(c)an S Mark and an individual identification number;

(d)an F Mark and an individual identification number;

(e)an R Mark indicating the flockmark or herdmark of the holding from which the animal is being moved; or

(f)an R Mark and an individual identification number.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply where—

(a)the animal is marked in accordance with article 13(2)(b) and is being moved from the holding to which the flockmark or herdmark refers;

(b)the animal is being imported from outside the European Union to a holding in Wales;

(c)the animal is being moved from the holding to which it was imported from outside the European Union and is marked with an F Mark;

(d)the animal is being moved from another Member State to a holding in Wales and is marked in accordance with Council Directive 92/102/EEC(1) on the identification and registration of animals;

(e)the animal is being moved from a part of the British Islands outside Wales and is marked in accordance with the legislation in force in that part of the British Islands;

(f)before the relevant date the animal was marked in accordance with either—

(i)regulation 7(5) of the 2000 Regulations and with an individual identification number; or

(ii)article 9(1) of the Sheep and Goats Identification and Movement (Interim Measures) Order 2002, as appropriate;

(g)the animal is marked with a temporary mark and is—

(i)being moved direct to a slaughterhouse,

(ii)being moved direct to a market for the purpose of sale for slaughter,

(iii)being moved to a collecting centre before being moved to a slaughterhouse; or

(iv)returning direct to a holding from a market (other than a dedicated slaughter market) to which it had been sent for the purpose of sale for slaughter;

(h)the animal is being moved for the purposes of veterinary treatment, dipping or shearing;

(i)the animal is being moved between premises in a sole occupancy group;

(j)the animal is returning to the holding on which it is kept from land on which the person has a right of grazing in common with other proprietors;

(k)a sheep is marked with a temporary mark and is returning from temporary grazing land to the holding on which it was kept immediately prior to being moved to the temporary grazing land; or

(l)the animal is being moved from a market, provided the animal was marked in accordance with the requirements of this Order when it was moved on to that market.

(3) An animal must not be moved to or from a show unless it is marked with an individual identification number together with the mark which was applied at the same time as the individual identification number.

(4) (a) A person must not move an animal to an assembly centre unless the animal is marked in accordance with one or more of the following sub-paragraphs:

(i)with an Origin Mark and with an individual identification number;

(ii)with an S Mark and with an individual identification number;

(iii)with an F Mark and with an individual identification number;

(iv)with a mark applied under the 2000 Regulations;

(b)Paragraph (1) shall not apply in respect of an animal which is being moved in accordance with sub-paragraph (a).

(5) (a) A person must not move an animal to premises outside Great Britain unless it is marked in accordance with one or more of the following sub-paragraphs—

(i)with an Origin Mark which includes the letters “UK”, and with an individual identification number;

(ii)with an F Mark which includes the letters “UK”, and with an individual identification number; or

(iii)with an X Mark and with an individual identification number that was applied at the same time as the X Mark; and

(b)Paragraph (1) shall not apply in respect of an animal which is being moved in accordance with sub-paragraph (a).


OJ L355 of 5.12.92, p.0032.