The Education (Education Standards Grants) (Wales) Regulations 2001

6.—(a) Training for headteachers, teachers and special needs assistants in maintained schools and in special schools which are not maintained schools and for those staff in such schools or in education authority support services with responsibility for children with special educational needs.

(b)The encouragement of partnerships between parents, education authorities, schools and voluntary bodies in order to secure a better education for children with special educational needs, through the use of materials, information technology and additional staff time to strengthen an education authority’s input to annual review meetings.

(c)Measures to encourage the attendance of children with special educational needs at mainstream schools.

(d)Support for the development of links between special schools and mainstream schools.

(e)Support for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties or at risk of developing emotional and behavioural difficulties.

(f)Support and training for governors of maintained schools and for those employed in such schools as teachers and in other capacities, in developing policies for pupils with special educational needs.

(g)Action to promote co-operation for educational purposes between an education authority and other bodies, including support for selected pilot projects to investigate and develop regional planning arrangements for the improvement of services for children with special educational needs.

(h)Action to identify named persons.