The Children’s Commissioner for Wales Regulations 2001

Relationship with children

12.—(1) The Commissioner shall take reasonable steps to ensure that—

(a)children in Wales are made aware of the location of the Commissioner’s office or offices and the ways in which they may communicate with the Commissioner and his or her staff;

(b)such children are encouraged to communicate with the Commissioner and his or her staff;

(c)the content of any material issued by the Commissioner or his or her staff, whether printed or in electronic form, which is intended to be read by any one or more of such children, takes account, so far as practicable, of the age, level of understanding and usual language of the intended recipient;

(d)the views of such children are sought as to how the Commissioner should exercise his or her functions and as to the content of the Commissioner’s annual work programme ; and

(e)the Commissioner and his or her staff make themselves available to such children in the children’s locality.

(2) In exercising the functions set out in paragraph (1) the Commissioner shall have regard to what he reasonably considers to be the needs and circumstances of such children.