The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (Wales) Regulations 2001


Relevant Community provisionsSupplementing provisionsSubject matter

1.  Regulation 1493/1999: Articles 48 and 49 and Annex VII

Regulation 3201/90: All Articles except 28 and 29; as last amended by Regulation 2770/98General rules and particular requirements relating to the description, designation, presentation and protection of certain products other than sparkling wines

2.  Regulation 1493/1999: Articles 48 and 49 and Annex VIII

Regulation 554/95: All Articles except 11 and 12; as amended by Regulation 1915/96General rules and particular requirements relating to the description, designation, presentation and protection of sparkling

3.  Regulation 1493/1999: Article 51

General rules relating to the use of geographical indications for table wine

4.  Regulation 1493/1999: Annex VIII, point G

Prohibition on the use of lead-based capsules or foils on sparkling wines or aerated sparkling wines