
Meetings and proceedings

9.—(1) The meetings and proceedings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with the rules set out in the Schedule to these Regulations and with Standing Orders made under paragraph (2).

(2) Subject to those rules, to regulation 10 (disability of members in proceedings on account of their interests) and to such directions as may be given by the National Assembly, the Council shall make, and may vary or revoke, Standing Orders for the regulation of its proceedings and business (including provision for the suspension of all or any of the Standing Orders).

(3) Subject to regulations 8 (appointment of committees and sub-committees) and 10 and to such directions as may be given by the National Assembly, the Council may make, vary and revoke Standing Orders for the regulation of the quorum, proceedings and business of any committee or sub-committee (“committees”) (including provision for the suspension of all or any of the Standing Orders) but, subject to any such Standing Orders, the quorum, proceedings and business of the committees shall be such as each of the committees shall determine.

(4) The proceedings of the Council or any committee or sub-committee of it shall not be invalidated by any vacancy in membership or by any defect in the appointment of either a member of the Council or a member of a committee or sub-committee.