The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Measures for the Recovery of the Stock of Cod)(Irish Sea) (Wales) Order 2000

Powers of other officers

9.  – For the purpose of enforcing article 3 of this Order, or any equivalent provision in any other order extending to any part of the United Kingdom made for the purposes of implementing the Community provisions, any fishery officer of a local fisheries committee may, within the district of the committee, go on board any British fishing boat or enter any premises (other than a dwelling) used for carrying on any business in connection with the treatment , storage or sale of fish, may search for and examine any fish and any nets or other fishing gear in any place whether on board a fishing boat or elsewhere, and whether in a receptacle or not, and may seize any fish, net or other fishing gear in respect of which the officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that a relevant offence has been committed.